Resources for Teaching About Invasive Plants
Saharan Mustard
A Guide to Sahara Mustard Control with text rev 2 (Part 1) (9.7 MB; ppt)
A Guide to Sahara Mustard Control with text.rev 2 (Part 2) (12.6 MB; ppt)
A Guide to Sahara Mustard Control with text rev 2 (Part 3) (8.6 MB; ppt)
Grinding Mustard Seed for Oil (87 KB; jpg)
Treatment Alternatives and Timing Affect Seeds of African Mustard (609 KB; pdf)
USGS Weeds in the West project: Status of Introduced Plants in Southern Arizona Parks (936 KB; pdf)
Potential Ecological Effects from the Invasion of Saharan Mustard (2.1 MB; pdf)
Ecology of Sahara Mustard, Brassica tournefortii (607 KB; pdf)
Hold the Mustard (flyer) (158 KB; pdf)
Sahara mustard (Brassica tournefortii) (1.9 MB; pdf)
Seed Production by the Non-Native Sahara Mustard (44KBl; pdf)
The Anatomy Of An Invasion–Sahara Mustard (8.6 MB; pdf)
Invasive weed removal and habitat restoration: Sahara mustard (21 KB; pdf)
Seed Production by the Non0=-native Brassica tournefortii z(Sahara Mustard Along Desert Roadsides (Abstract) (100 KB; ppt)
Sahara mustard volunteer weeding (E of Font”s Point) (1) (4.5 MB; jpg)
Sahara mustard volunteer weeding (E of Font’s Point) (2) (5.9 MB; jpg)
ABDSP Botany Society volunteers weeding Sahara Mustard in Borrego Palm Canyon (1) (3.7 MB; jpg)
ABDSP Botany Society volunteers weeding Sahara Mustard in Borrego Palm Canyon (2) (5.9 MB; jpg)
Saharan Mustard Borrego Palm Canyon (1.3 MB; jpg)
Young Sarah Mustard (3.3 MB; ppt)
Sahara mustard invasion (288 KB; jpg)
Sahara mustard trophy Thad McManus (256 KB; jpg)
Sahara mustard-weed-RV magazine (41 KB; jpg)
Saharan mustard, seed clusters (129 KB; jpg
VOLUTARIA: A New and Highly Invasive Plant in Borrego Springs (1.3 MB; pdf)
Volutaria tubuliflora 6 (13.7 KB; jpg)
Volutaria tubuliflora 6 ( KB; jpg)
Puncture vine (Tribulus terristris) (8.3 MB; pdf)