Anza Borrego Desert State Park® Botany Society

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Travis Huxman to Speak November 9th on Climate Change and Desert Plants

Dr. Travis E. Huxman, UC Irvine

Travis E. Huxman, Ph.D. will speak at the November meeting of the ABDSP Botany Society on the projected effects of climate change on desert plants. Dr. Huxman studies plant evolution, plant physiology, ecohydrology, and the ecosystem consequences of climate change. Much of his recent work focuses on how drought structures plant communities and how vegetation change in water-limited regions influences the goods and services provided by natural ecosystems. 

He is a product of California’s higher education system, attending Chaffey Community College and CSU San Bernardino prior to earning his PhD in Biology from University of Nevada Las Vegas. Since 2012 he is Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California, Irvine and the Director of the Center for Environmental Biology. In addition, Dr. Huxman oversees the Steele/Burnand Anza-Borrego Desert Research Center and the expanding campus-wide Sustainability Initiative. 

Who: Travis Huxman, Ph.D., Professor, UC Irvine
What: Botany Lecture Program
When: Monday, November 9, 2015; 10 AM
Where: Discovery Lab, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park® Visitor Center
Cost: Free to the public